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Kikuyu Grass: Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages of Kikuyu grass

Kikuyu grass gives you a solution against dry spells, foot traffic and watering.

Used for decades in Mediterranean regions in places where foot traffic was high, this grass native to tropical areas is slowly gaining popularity. It is definitely a very interesting alternative to traditional lawn grasses.

Extremely easy to care for and with quick growth and spread, this plant is perfect for gardens located in areas where the climate is rather hot in summer and mild in winter.

Its resilient rhizomes overcome drought very easily and also cope well with otherwise difficult spots such as coastlines.

For farms and homesteads, kikuyu is a great grass for grazing animals, since it grows back quickly and copes well with trodding. Animals can walk all over it with their heavy hooves and it will bounce back quickly. Cows, goats, and lambs love eating kikuyu grass for fodder. Nutrient analysis shows that kikuyu is more nutritious than alfalfa. As with many grasses, it developed an affinity to the droppings of grazing animals, and this results in interesting poop mounds in fields and pastures.

To sum it up:

  • Extremely drought-resistant
  • Spaces mowing and trimming further apart
  • Great for dry and even desert-like, warm climate
  • Watering unnecessary or extremely reduced
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Disadvantages of Kikuyu grass

However, apart from these numerous advantages, this type grass does present several disadvantages:

  • It doesn’t like being trimmed too often and too short
  • It tends to turn yellowish in winter
  • Kikuyu grass tends to turn invasive because it spreads fast
  • It also dies off when grown under too much shade. It really needs full sun to prosper.

Note: in some places, this type or lawn is invasive. You should not plant it. Check with us to get a free consultation on the best grass to put. We do more than Kikuyu Gras, we also do irrigation and tree felling services, get  touch with us to get a free estimate.

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